Islamic Jihad terrorists killed in Jenin

Islamic Jihad terrorists killed in Jenin

    Islamic Jihad in Jenin responsible for attempted bombing in Tel Aviv last week

    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    In a joint ISA, IDF and special Border Police force arrest operation earlier this morning in Jenin, two senior Islamic Jihad terrorists and their assistant were killed. Security forces arrived to arrest the wanted men when one of them, Ashraf Saadi, opened fire at the forces, lightly injuring a Border Policeman. In the ensuing exchanges of fire the three wanted men were killed.

    - Ashraf Mahmoud Nafaa Saadi, a 29-year old resident of the Jenin refugee camp, had been wanted by security forces for a significant period of time. Saadi was responsible for many shooting and bombing attacks in the region and cooperated with senior members of Islamic Jihad involved in deadly suicide bombing attacks in Israel during 2005-2006.

    - Muhammad Ibrahim Mahmoud Ahmad "Abu-Nassa", a 34-year old resident of the Jenin refugee camp, was one of the senior commanders of Islamic Jihad in the Jenin refugee camp. Abu-Nassa was involved in the transfer of funds to Islamic Jihad terror cells. In the past Abu-Nassa served as a close assistant to Husam Jaradat, who headed the Islamic Jihad's activities in Jenin until his death in August 2006.

    - Al'aa Rafik Da'ud Jabali, served as their assistant.

    Last week this very infrastructure dispatched Ummar Abu Roub to carry out a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, an attack which was thwarted by security forces. The infrastructure continues to operate via different channels to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces.